Proofreading for Plays, Fiction, Non-Fiction and Marketing
Proofreading and Beyond
From books to scripts, blog posts to brochures, anything that’s heading out to find a readership should be as error-free as it can be. I work with publishers and writers of all kinds to make sure that their texts are ready to be read. If you’re about to self-publish a novel, print a programme, submit a manuscript or send out a report, call in the Proofs Detective to track down and eliminate those last lurking problems.
Proofreading involves different things, depending on the individual project and its needs. The amount and type of intervention that you want from me will vary, so let’s chat!
All my work is confidential and guided by the CIEP Code of Practice so you can be confident that you’re getting a high standard of professional, ethical service.
My standard general proofread covers:
- typos and errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar
- house style
- formatting and word-breaks
- layout and page numbering
- cross-references and links
- images, tables, graphs and charts, and their captions
- headings, subheadings, running heads and footer text
- internal inconsistencies and contradictions
- infelicities and phrasing that readers could misunderstand.
Moving beyond the standard proofread, I can also:
- comment on readability and logic flow in relation to your target readership
- advise on writing style and tone
- help with reducing word-count or adapting text to fit into available page space
- fact-check, within advance-negotiated parameters
- create a house style guide for you to follow when producing similar texts in future
- create a table of contents and/or basic index for your text
- and much more!
Contact me now for a no-obligations chat about how I can help get your text ready for its readers, or follow these links to read about my specialist services for academics and students.

to see how I can get your writing ready to be read!