the proofs detective

When Thin Letters Vanish…

Or: Don’t make a pubic spectacle of yourself ‘Spellchecker won’t notice if you’ve left the l out of public,’ I used to warn my students at essay submission time. A brief pause while they worked it out, then some polite chuckles.  It was a joke, but it was backed up by experience. In a decade marking essays in the […]

The Ambiguity Trap

‘Sell your home for as little as £390!’ The estate agent whose flyer came through every letterbox in town was either a time traveller from the 1920s or in sore need of a proofreader. I don’t know about you, but if I were selling my home these days I’d hope to get a bit more […]

A Wish List for Launch Day

I’m launching my proofreading business! I’m so excited! (Excited enough to use exclamation points in two consecutive sentences? Apparently so.) When I’m wearing my Writer’s Hat, I sometimes engage with literary agents. One thing they often do is publish ‘wish lists’ of what kinds of books they’d love to represent. I thought I’d do the […]